

YOU transformed from someone, who avoided accepting juniors with collegiate intentions into your player development program, into someone who thinks college can be good preparation for professional tennis.cheap naughty girls YOU claim our children are not willing to sacrifice and then you lower the barriers to progress in every way. YOU have only YOURSELF TO BLAME for America's current state in the game.To claim Americans don't understand hard work or that we are unwilling to sacrifice is to go against the character of this nation.french maid apron When the.petition gets tough, Americans step up – WE always have. WE do not look without for excuses. WE do not blame the.petitive arena for better.petitors, or suggest that the global nature of sport makes it tougher for us. 

That's what YOU do. WE get tougher, more dedicated. WE do not turn to a bureaucracy to cure our ills,crotchless bikinis but rather, WE seek that innovative individual spirit and revolutionary wherewithal that allowed this nation to ove.e tyranny and thrive in the face of despotism. WE are as blue collar as it gets and WE are more than willing to jump into the trenches to fight for what we believe. WE are willing to work harder than any.petitor and to sacrifice everything for a shot at titles. Ask the Brothers Bryan and the Sisters Williams. Every two years, our Olympians confirm that the American athlete is still one of the greatest in the world.thong bikini In spite of your efforts to shorten matches and hold kids back from the yellow tennis ball, WE teach our children to ove.e obstacles, to thwart dictatorial regimes, and to prosper through perseverance. 

To us, sacrifice is one step on the trail to greatness, and to suggest we are not willing to forfeit everything for a chance at glory is to demean our character. WE take umbrage at your insolence.The truth, however, is success requires leadership. And our present leader is performing a half-ass job for one organization, while taking money from another, and then scapegoating the people he is presumably responsible for.crouchless bikini That is hypocritical, irresponsible and arrogant, so we leave that for YOU, with the hope that you never again confuse the letters ESPN with USTA.YOU continue to blame the kids for not being able to construct points and accuse them of not being willing to sacrifice Yes, I know you said "blaming our players is not the answer" but that is exactly what you are doing, to blame the parents for being poorly educated about the sacrifices required for this game.

